TV Shows and Movies Have Helped to Increase the Awareness of Smart Drugs
There have been a variety of movies and TV shows that have explored the use of smart drugs to solve mysteries and crimes that otherwise would be impossible to the ordinary mind. Of course, the shows exaggerate by many times the actual improvements that can be had with smart drugs and have led to a lot of scam artists putting together worthless herbs with false promises and high prices.
That hasn’t stopped the many millions of people that would like to do better in school or get ahead in business by being just a little bit smarter than everyone else. In addition to that, there is a certain amount of pressure to perform up to the level of other smart drug users if a person believes they are falling behind. Still, it’s important to understand that many of the herbs, drugs, and other chemicals that people are taking are worthless when it comes to increasing memory or intelligence at all.
Aside from those that would like to get ahead in business or in school, there are also another set of users that would like to just be more healthy and they believe that nootropics are the key to their success. A completely different group is worried about the onset of dementia, especially Alzheimer’s disease, and many of the herbs and drugs considered to be smart drugs are thought to have a positive effect on delaying age-related dementia.
Many of the Smart Drugs Are Merely Caffeine or Amphetamines
In the beginning of your search for the best smart drugs, you’ll find that many of the concoctions available on the Internet are full of herbs that have naturally occurring caffeine or other types of stimulants. Stimulants do have a nootropic effect and they do enhance people’s ability to stay alerted, be motivated, and absorb more information in a given period of time. One of the problems is, are you better off drinking several strong cups of coffee or popping a diet pill, decongestant, or some other type of drug? This can be a difficult question to answer.
When you go to the Internet you’ll find that there are certain drugs that people swear by, one them is going to be modafinil and another will most likely be Adderall. They’re both highly rated for helping people stay awake and be more alert, as well as have a better focus and an increased ability to solve problems.
As with anything that you find on the Internet, a degree of caution is in order. Many of the websites that you’ll find calling themselves review sites are merely sales pages attempting to earn money on a commission basis. However, we find that The Nootropics Review – Supplements and Stacks to be the most reliable review source of them all. Be sure and read plenty of forums and university studies before you begin taking any kind of drugs or herbal concoctions to make sure that you are not endangering your health or wasting your hard earned money.